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Abuse Never Becomes Us


"I am not the sum of what I have been through but rather what I have accomplished and yearn to be." - Jenny Starke





About us

A.N.B.U. அன்பு, which loosely translates to Love in Tamil stands for Abuse Never Becomes Us. A.N.B.U. is a Toronto based not-for-profit community organization that works with survivors of childhood sexual abuse within the Tamil community.

Childhood sexual abuse is a global issue.
We are Tamil speaking women with lived experiences of childhood sexual abuse. We recognize that childhood sexual abuse is a global issue. However, we can identify and relate to the Tamil community’s historical and present trauma and we believe in building and exploring our capacity to heal. The taboo and stigma associated with abuse as well as the intergenerational ripple effect of abuse is rampant within the Tamil community, as it is within many communities. We are committed to personal and social transformation and want to draw on our community’s strengths to address and prevent childhood sexual abuse. We aspire to uncover and implement healing methods specific to our community and shift how our community addresses childhood sexual abuse.

95% of childhood sexual abuse survivors know their perpetrator.*

1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys experience an unwanted sexual act.*

* Source: Child Sexual Abuse (The Canadian Badgley Royal Commission, Report on Sexual Offences Against Children and Youths), 1984.


We stand together today in solidarity, strength and power to create awareness and open dialogue on childhood sexual abuse.


Co-founder &

Tharsi Selvaratnam


Jessica Thyriar


Shajini Jeganmohan

Team member

Subani Selvarajah

Team member

Kavina Sundaralingam

Team member


UK Director

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